
01 July 2020

The Seven Chakras...

Chakras are centres of spiritual energy. They are located in the astral body, but they have corresponding centres in the physical body also. They can hardly be seen by the naked eyes. Only a clairvoyant can see with his astral eyes. Tentatively they correspond to certain plexuses in the physical body. 

    There are six important Chakras. 

They are:
1. Muladhara (containing 4 petals) at the anus;
2. Svadhisthana (6 petals) at the genital organ;
3. Manipura (10 petals) at the navel;
4. Anahata (12 petals) at the heart;
5. Visuddha (16 petals) at the throat and
6. Ajna (2 petals) at the space between the two eyebrows.

 The seventh Chakra is known as Sahasrara, which contains a thousand petals. It is located at the top of the head.

 Sacral plexus tentatively corresponds to Muladhara Chakra;
Prostatic plexus to Svadhishthana, Solar plexus to Manipura,

 Cardiac plexus to Anahata Chakra,
 Laryngal plexus to Visuddha Chakra and
 Cavernous plexus to Ajna Chakra

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