
30 June 2020

Combinations of Heart Problems.

According to Palmistry :

1- When heart line is cut by  a no. of small lines.

2-  Very thick heart line.

3-  Small and bluish nails having no moons.

4-. Island on life line & heart line ending at Sun Mount.

5-. Circle under Saturn Mount near heart line.

6-. Zig-zag health line and absence of heart line

7-  When third phalanges of fingers are swollen & round.

8-. Dots on heart line tell fast heart beats.

9-. Big nails having big moons means fast Heart beats.

10- Chained Heart line.

11- Girdle of Venus meet with heart line.

12-Heart line interested by poor health line.

13-Heart line ending at Jupiter Mount with an
    island at the end.

14-Reddishness at the beginning of heart line
    shows heart weakness

15-Heart line starting from end of life line shows
   weakness of heart.

16-Presence of a circle on heart line.

17-Black spot on heart line shows Angina(pain
   in heart)& Neuralgia (Nerve pain)

18-Presence of star on upper part of Lunar Mount.

19-Uneven life line and health line very close to
   life line plus red or blue spot on life line indicate
   vibrating heart.

20-Poor Sun Mount with bad marks.

Whenever there are two or more of such bad signs are present then only we could reach to the conclusion.

According to astrology :

 Some Yoga for Heart Disease are,

1- Malefics in 4 & 5 House.

2- 4th Lord in 8th house with its Lord or in combustion with sun.

3- Conjunction of Saturn with sun in 6 8 12 house in 4th house.

4- 6 Lord in 4th house with Saturn and Jupiter.

5- Rahu and moon in 7th house and Saturn in Kendra.

6- Sun in Aquarius sign with afflection. .

7- Affricates and as 6th Lord in 4th house or 5th house.

8- Rahu and moon in 7th house and Saturn in kendra.

9-Nawamsha Lord of 4th Lord ,if afflicted ,may promote misery and disease. If it is in malefic Shashtiyans(D-60)and aspected or conjoined with malefic then it may give heart disease . Similar results are expected if it is with 6th or 8th lords along with sun or any other malafic.

10- 5th Lord of 5th house or both with malefic and also hammed by malefic.

12-The heart attack may come in the period and sub periods of planets owning or occupying second 6th 8th or 12th houses from the sun and the 4th Lord.

Factors for protection against heart diseases-

1- Influence or aspects of benefits on Kaka and absence of yoga indicating heart disease.

2- When both Lagna and moon are affected by benefics.

3- Unafflected sun in Gemini gives protection against heart disease.

4- Jupiter in the lagna and Lagna Lord with strength.

5- Sun in Leo sign.

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