11 - Inspiration, revelation, selfless service to others.
22 - Absolute Truth, projects to benefit all of mankind.
33 - Compassion, a teacher of teachers, leadership, assume responsibilities with
no thought of rewards or payments.
44 - Changing into the highest expression of one’s divinity, useful enterprises,
self‐discipline, use of intuition
55 - Knowledge through seeing beneficial aspects of daily life, ethical and
spiritual ideals, communication that benefits others in some way.
66 - Divine Order, solving social problems, achieving goals and gathering wealth,
truth, fairness, and integrity.
77 - Transcending the physical world and its limitations, wholeness within self,
understanding others, helping the world achieve a higher expression.
88 - Personal and divine consciousness become one, unlimited abilities and
knowing correct way to use them, sensitivity and compassion.
99 - Accelerated evolution on all levels, flexible consciousness, understanding that
all of one’s life’s actions are for the unfoldment of the divine within.