
08 January 2022

The Seven Chakras and their related human characteristics & organs.

1. Muladhara or Root Chakra:

Mental Characteristic: Fear, indiscipline, facing tough situations, being greedy & insecure, sleeplessness, work longevity.

Physical/mental health problems related to Flesh, muscles, teeth, bone, knee, feet, joints, rheumatism, endocrine gland - adrenal cortex.

2. Svadhishthana or Sacral Chakra:

Mental Characteristic: Self Assurance, financial wealth, luck, material and spiritual life, justice, education, dishonesty, opposing religion and philosophy, expansion, passion.
Physical/mental health problems related to the Liver, hips, glands, hormones, pancreas, diabetes, blood vessels, buttocks, obesity, sexual urges, and sexual endocrine gland issues, ovaries, or testicle issues.

3. Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra:

Mental Characteristic: Independence, courage, will power, generosity, protection, clarity, energy drive.

Physical/mental health problems related to Sexual energy, head, blood, digestive system, bile, accidents, metabolism, burns, fractures, fever, piles, skin rashes, electronic shock, suicidal tendencies, pancreas, Endocrine gland: Adrenals.

4. Anahata or Heart Chakra:

Mental Characteristic: failure in love, extreme attachment to materialistic things, importance to luxuries, and unhealthy relationships

Physical/mental health problems related to Throat, neck, sexual organs, pelvis, menstrual irregularity, semen, urinary bladder, kidneys, and Endocrine gland: Thymus.

5. Vishuddha or Throat Chakra:

Mental Characteristics: Lack of intelligence and communication, bad decision-making.
Physical/mental health problems related to Abdomen, skin, nervous system, neck, mouth, bronchial tube, tongue, lungs, hands arms, insomnia, deafness, dyspepsia, Endocrine gland: Thyroid and Parathyroid gland.

6. Ajna or Third Eye Chakra:

Mental Characteristic: Being over-confident, lack of awareness, dominating, and wrong judgment.

Physical/mental health problems related to Eyesight, gall bladder, spine, belly, headaches, constipation, blood pleasure, immune system, breast, face, psychic problems, sleep disorder, tuberculosis, cough, cold, hyper-sensitivity, over-reaction, lack of appetite.

7. Meditation Sahasrara or the Crown Chakra:

Physical/mental health problems related to Memory problems, productivity, femininity, motherhood, depression, emotional disorder, nightmares, nervous system, neurological diseases like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, paralysis, epilepsy. Head, pineal gland, skeletal and muscular systems Endocrine gland: Pineal gland.

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