
13 February 2021

Love for all


Earn money through honest means. Do not cheat or deceive other in the process. Do not crave for quick gains. Drop get rich quickly philosophy. Everything comes through sustained hard work.

Do not take loans from banks and institutions. Although the giver of loans shows that the loan is very lucrative and easily repayable. Loans do create unnecessary tension in most cases. Cut your cloth according to your means.

How rich or wealthy we can become in this life is not depended on our present effort alone. It partly depends on past karma as well. So practice santosh (contentment).

Save a part of your money for bad days.

Donate a part of your money for charitable purposes. This helps to get rid of miserliness and develops detachment.



Sometimes the environment and the circumstances in life become a cause of tension. If we are unable to change them, we have to change our attitude towards them. What cannot be cured must be endured. Accept the circumstances as coming from God for our good.  Always be grateful to God.


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