
30 June 2020

Combinations of Heart Problems.

According to Palmistry :

1- When heart line is cut by  a no. of small lines.

2-  Very thick heart line.

3-  Small and bluish nails having no moons.

4-. Island on life line & heart line ending at Sun Mount.

5-. Circle under Saturn Mount near heart line.

6-. Zig-zag health line and absence of heart line

7-  When third phalanges of fingers are swollen & round.

8-. Dots on heart line tell fast heart beats.

9-. Big nails having big moons means fast Heart beats.

10- Chained Heart line.

11- Girdle of Venus meet with heart line.

12-Heart line interested by poor health line.

13-Heart line ending at Jupiter Mount with an
    island at the end.

14-Reddishness at the beginning of heart line
    shows heart weakness

15-Heart line starting from end of life line shows
   weakness of heart.

16-Presence of a circle on heart line.

17-Black spot on heart line shows Angina(pain
   in heart)& Neuralgia (Nerve pain)

18-Presence of star on upper part of Lunar Mount.

19-Uneven life line and health line very close to
   life line plus red or blue spot on life line indicate
   vibrating heart.

20-Poor Sun Mount with bad marks.

Whenever there are two or more of such bad signs are present then only we could reach to the conclusion.

According to astrology :

 Some Yoga for Heart Disease are,

1- Malefics in 4 & 5 House.

2- 4th Lord in 8th house with its Lord or in combustion with sun.

3- Conjunction of Saturn with sun in 6 8 12 house in 4th house.

4- 6 Lord in 4th house with Saturn and Jupiter.

5- Rahu and moon in 7th house and Saturn in Kendra.

6- Sun in Aquarius sign with afflection. .

7- Affricates and as 6th Lord in 4th house or 5th house.

8- Rahu and moon in 7th house and Saturn in kendra.

9-Nawamsha Lord of 4th Lord ,if afflicted ,may promote misery and disease. If it is in malefic Shashtiyans(D-60)and aspected or conjoined with malefic then it may give heart disease . Similar results are expected if it is with 6th or 8th lords along with sun or any other malafic.

10- 5th Lord of 5th house or both with malefic and also hammed by malefic.

12-The heart attack may come in the period and sub periods of planets owning or occupying second 6th 8th or 12th houses from the sun and the 4th Lord.

Factors for protection against heart diseases-

1- Influence or aspects of benefits on Kaka and absence of yoga indicating heart disease.

2- When both Lagna and moon are affected by benefics.

3- Unafflected sun in Gemini gives protection against heart disease.

4- Jupiter in the lagna and Lagna Lord with strength.

5- Sun in Leo sign.

The 10 Avatars of the God Vishnu.

The Hindu Purana tell us of the 10 Avatars of the God
Vishnu, the Preserver of the Brahmanic Religion;

 they are periodical incarnations of the God and are as follows.
1. First as the Fish, Matsya;
2 . Kurma, the Tortoise.
3 . Varaha, the Boar.
4 . Narasingha, the Man-Lion.
5. Vamana, the Dwarf.
6 . Parasu-Rama.
7. Rama Chandra.
8 . Krishna.
9 . Buddha.
10 . Kalki, the Horse, is yet to come.

Interesting facts about Number Seven.

In respect to life and its divisions, they remarked the
ages are measured by the number 7.
In the first 7 years the teeth are erupted.
Second 7 years comes an ability to emit prolific seed.
Third 7 years, the growth of the beard as manhood.
Fourth 7 years, strength reaches its maximum.
Fifth 7 years is the season of for marriage.
Sixth 7 years, the height of intelligence arrives.
Seventh 7 years, the maturity of reason.
Eighth 7 years, perfection of both.
Ninth 7 years, equity and mildness, passions become
Tenth 7 years, the end of desirable life.

Some philosophers have said that our souls have 7 foci
in the material body, viz., the five senses, the voice and
the generative power.
The body has seven obvious parts, the head, chest, abdomen,
two legs and two arms.
There are seven internal organs, stomach, liver, heart,
lungs, spleen and two kidneys.
The ruling part, the head, has seven parts for external
use, two eyes, two ears, two nostrils and a mouth.
There are seven things seen, body, interval, magnitude,
color, motion and permanency.
There are seven inflections of the voice, the acute, grave,
circumflex, rough, smooth, the long and the short
The hand makes seven motions; up and down, to the
right and left, before and behind, and circular.

There are seven evacuations; tears from the eyes, mucous
of the nostrils, the saliva, the semen, two excretions
and the perspiration.
Modern medical knowledge corroborates the ancient
dictum that in the seventh month the human offspring
becomes viable.
Menstruation tends to occur in series of four times
seven days, and is certainly related to Luna in an occult
The lyre has 7 strings, corresponding to the Seven Planets.
There are 7 vowels in English and some other tongues.
Theon of Smyrna also notices that an average length of
an adult’s intestine is 28 feet, four times seven, and 28
also is a perfect number.
The number 7 is also associated with Voice and Sound,
with Clio the Muse; with Osiris the Egyptian deity; with
Nemesis, Fate, --Adrastia, not to be escaped from; and
with Mars.

The Seven Wonders of the World are thus enumerated:
1. Pyramids of Egypt.
2 . The hanging Gardens of Babylon, for Semiramis.
3 . Tomb of Mausolus, King of Caria, at Halicarnassus,
built by Artemisia, his Queen.
4 . Temple of Diana at Ephesus, 552 B.C. Ctesiphonwas the chief architect.
5. Colossus of Rhodes, an image of the Sun God,Apollo, of brass, 290 B.C.
6 . Statue of Zeus, at Athens, by Phidias.
7. Pharos of Egypt, built by Ptolemy Philadelphus,
of white marble, 283 B.C.; or the Palace of Cyrus
which is sometimes substituted.

Sapta Rishi, seven sages. Sapta Kula, 7 castes; Sapta
Loka, seven worlds; Sapta Para, 7 cities; Sapta Dwipa,
seven holy islands; Sapta Arania, 7 deserts; Sapta Parna,
7 human principles; Sapta Samudra, seven holy seas;
Sapta Vruksha, 7 holy trees.

After Birth, the 7th hour decides whether the child will
live, in 7 days the cord falls off, in twice 7 days the eyes
follow a light, thrice 7 days turns the head, 7 months
gets teeth, twice 7 months sits firmly, thrice 7 months
begins to talk, after 4 times 7 months walks strongly.

After 7 years, teeth of second set appear.
After 14 years is the arrival of generative power.
After 21 years, the hair of Manhood is completed.
After 28 we cease to grow, at 35 is greatest strength, at
49 is the greatest discretion, and 70 is the natural end of

The Bava Kama says that after 7 years a male hyena becomes
a bat, in another 7 years a Vampire, after another
a Thorn, and after another is turned into a demon. If a
man fails to pray devoutly for 7 years, his spine after
death becomes a serpent.

The 7 Catholic Deadly Sins are Pride, covetousness, lust,
anger, gluttony, envy and sloth.
The 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Isaiah xi. v. 2, are Wisdom,
Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge,
Piety and Fear of the Lord. These are seven of the
Kabalistic Sephiroth.

Courtesy : Google Uncle

28 June 2020

तिल की स्तिथि से आप भाग्य की स्तिथि का अंदाजा लगा सकते हैं।

1.गुरु पर्वत पर तिल:  विवाह में देरी होती है  लेकिन विवाह होने के बाद जीवन में पूर्ण सफलता मिलती है।

2.शनि पर्वत पर तिल: प्रेम में बदनामी होती है, दुखमय गृहस्थ जीवन रहता है व पति पत्नी में से एक के आग में जलकर समाप्त होने की संभावना रहती है।

3.सूर्य पर्वत पर तिल: समाज में निंदनीय कार्य करने के लिए मजबूर होना पड़ता है और प्रतिष्ठा को धक्का लगता है।

4.बुध  पर्वत पर तिल: ऐसे व्यक्ति कुली व धोखेबाज होते हैं और इनको व्यापार में हानि होती है।

5.राहू  पर्वत पर तिल: योवनावस्था में आर्थिक हानि होती है।

6.केतु  पर्वत पर तिल: ऐसे लोगों का बचपन दुखमय रहता है।

7.चंद्र पर्वत पर तिल: ऐसे लोगों के विवाह में विलम्ब होता है और जलाघात की संभावना बनी रहती है।

8.कनिष्ठाअंगुली पर तिल: ऐसे लोगों को व्यापार में हानि होती है।

9.अनामिका अंगुली पर तिल: ऐसे लोगों को भी व्यापार में हानि होती है।

10.तर्जनी अंगुली पर तिल: ऐसा तिल होने पर नौकरी से पद त्याग करना पड़ता है और बदनामी का सामना करना पड़ता है।

11.मध्यमा अंगुली पर तिल: ऐसे लोगों के भाग्य में बाधाएं आती हैं।

12.शुक्र पर्वत पर तिल: ऐसे व्यक्ति कामी होता है व गुतांगों के रोग की संभावना रहती है।

13.अंगुठे पर तिल: ऐसे लोगों को परिवारजनों से जीवन भर सहयोग मिलता है।

14.जीवन रेखा पर तिल: ऐसे लोग लम्बे समय तक टी ० बी ० के रोगी रहते हैं।

15. मस्तिक्ष रेखा पर तिल: ऐसे जातकों को सिर पर गंभीर चोट लगती है और मस्तिष्क संबंधीधी रोग होते हैं।

16. ह्रदय रेखा पर तिल: ऐसे लोग कमजोर दिल वाले होते हैं व सदमा देखने नहीं कर पाते हैं।

17. शनि/भाग्य रेखा पर तिल: हथेली के किसी भी हिस्से से शुरू होकर शनि पर्वत पर पहुंचने वाली रेखा भाग्य रेखा कहलाती। क्षमा रेखा पर तिल होने से जीवन में बहुत बाधाएं आती हैं व जीवन दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण बनकर रह जाता है।

27 June 2020

नक्षत्र व शरीर के अंग

नक्षत्र व शरीर के अंगों की व्याख्या निम्न अनुसार है :-
  नक्षत्र (स्वामी)- शरीर के अंग
१- अश्विनी (केतु) -  सिर
२- भरणी ( शुक्र ) – माथा
३- कृत्तिका (सूर्य ) - भोंहे
४-रोहिणी ( चंद्र ) - आंखे
५- मृगशिरा (मंगल ) - नाक
६- आर्द्रा ( राहु ) - कान
७ - पुनर्वसु (गुरु ) - गाल
८- पुष्य ( शनि ) - होंठ
९ - आश्लेषा ( बुध ) - ठूड्डी
१० - मघा ( केतु ) - गला
११- पूर्वाफाल्गुनी ( शुक्र ) - कंधे
१२ -उत्तराफाल्गुनी (सूर्य ) - हृदय
१३ - हस्त ( चंद्र ) - बगलें
१४- चित्रा (मंगल ) - छाती
१५- स्वाती ( राहु ) - पेट
१६ - विशाखा ( गुरु ) - नाभि
१७ - अनुराधा ( शनि ) - कमर
१८- ज्येष्ठा ( बुध ) - जांघ
१९- मूल ( केतु ) - नितम्ब
२०- पूर्वाषाढा (शुक्र ) - लिंग
२१- उत्तराषाढा (सूर्य ) - अंडकोष
२२- श्रवण ( चंद्र ) – पेडू
२३- धनिष्ठा (मंगल ) - जांघ
२४ - शतभिषा ( राहु ) - घुटने
२५- पूर्वाभाद्रपद (गुरु ) - पिंडली
२६- उत्तराभाद्रपद (शनि ) – टखने
२७- रेवती (बुध ) - पैर


1. Positive:  Active. Ambitious. Confident. Doer. Individual.
Inventive. Leader. Thinker.
Negative:  Aggressive. Lazy. Self-conscious. Selfish.
Destructive:  A Bully. Antagonistic. Bigot. Egotistical. Puts self
first at all times.

2. Positive: Cooperative. Friendly. Helpful. Modest. Neat.
Tact and diplomacy.
Negative: Easily hurt. Indecisive. Insecure. Over-emotional.
Subservient. Timid.
Destructive: Bad temper. Cruel. Deceptive. Lacks self-control.
Liar. Sneaky. Sly.

3. Positive: Cheerful. Humor. The Entertainer. Enthusiastic.
Good at writing, speaking, singing.
Negative: Bored. Dislikes responsibility. Impulsive. Moody.
Vain. Wasteful.
Destructive: Gossip. Greed. Hatred. Intolerant. Jealous.

4. Positive: Disciplined. Family lover. Good worker. Honest.
Organized. Patient. Patriotic. Practical. Reliable.
Negative: Argumentative. Dry. Humorless. Narrow-minded.
Opinionated. Stern. Workaholic.
Destructive: Animal-ism. Crude. Hatred. Jealous. Violent.

5. Positive: Adaptable. Adventurous. Brave. Charming.
Clever. Freedom. Social. Super salesman.
Negative: Impatient. Irresponsible. Restless. Thoughtless.
Destructive: Debauchery: drugs, food, drink, etc. Dissipation.
Gambler. Perversion. Self-indulgent.

6. Positive: Artistic. Domestic. Humanitarian. Musical.
Nurturer. Responsible. Serves. Teacher.
Negative: Argues. Meddlesome. Mopes. Needs appreciation.
Self-righteous. Smug. Sweet tooth.
Destructive: Conceit. Domestic or sexual tyranny. Drudgery.
Nosy and Interfering. Slavery.

7. Positive: Dignified. Educator. Intuitive. Love of nature.
Silent. Spiritual or Scientific. Studious.
Negative: Aloof. Cold. Lives in the past. Melancholy.
Peculiar. Skeptical. Sly. Unapproachable.
Destructive: Cheat. Dishonest. Faithless. Gossip. Sarcastic. Evil
intent. Secret motives.

8. Positive: Ambitious. Athletic. Balance of energies.
Efficient. Executive ability. Good judgement.Stamina.
Negative: Impatient. Materialistic. Needs philosophic study.
Not frugal. Pushy. Thoughtless.
Destructive: Abusive. Cruel. Ignorant. Intolerant. Revengeful.
Schemer. Temper. Uncultured.

9. Positive: Artistic abilities. Brotherly love. Compassionate.
Dramatic. Philanthropic. Unselfish.
Negative: Aimless. Burdened. Frustrated. Over-emotional.
Destructive: Bad habits. Bitter. Dissipates. Immoral. Liar.
Morose. Possessive. Vulgar.

11. Positive: Great artist: music, art, drama. Idealist. Inspired.
Inventive. Religious leader.
Negative: Aimless. Fanatical. Frustrated. Sets goals too high
to reach.
Destructive: Dishonest. Miserly. Wicked leader.

22. Positive: Good at details. Master achiever. Powerful.
Negative: Disapproval. Inferiority complex. Narrow.
Destructive: Black magic. Gang leader. Reckless. Wicked.
Ulterior motives.

26 June 2020

'Rahu - Ketu' or Swarbhanu

Rahu Dev: Head of Demon Snake,

Ketu Dev: Tail of Demon Snake

  There was a Asura named Svarbhanu , who drank the nectar and Lord Vishnu cut the head of the Asura. The head part was known as Rahu and the body got known as Ketu.
Svarbhanu’s parents -
Father - Viprachitti
Mother - Simhika
There are many theories about the parents of the Simhika. Three of them are as follows :
 Theory 1 -
Simhika was the daughter of the Hiranyakashyap   and sister of the Bhakta Prahlad.
Simhika got the boon from Brahma that she can control anyone's shadow. Later, she controlled Devi Chhaya, mother of Lord Shani and wife of Surya, the sun god. And eventually got defeated by Shani and Hanuman. Simhika was forgiven by monkey god, Hanuman, but Hanuman told her that whenever he finds her in later phase of life he'll kill her. Later, when Hanuman was climbing the ocean to Lanka, the kingdom of Demon Ravana, Simhika was hiding in the ocean and captured Hanuman's shadow, Hanuman jumped into her mouth and came out tearing her stomach, ending the life of Simhika.

Theory 2 -
Simhika was the daughter of the Diti/ Chhaya and Prajapati Kashyap. This theory says that Simhika was the sister of Hiranyakashyap.
Theory 3 -
Simhika was the daughter of the Daksha . It makes her the sister of the Sati.
Source : Wikipedia

Vastu and Marriage

The positive energy created in a home built according to Vastu principles leads to a happy marriage and stable family relationships.

The master bedroom should always be in the South-West. If it is already occupied, the eldest son can use the bedroom in the South.
Never use a bedroom in the South-East as this gives rise to marital problems and other tensions.
Never use a bedroom in the north-east.
A North-West bedroom is good for newly-weds and for couples planning to start a family. It is recommended that after conception the couple moves into a Southern room.
The bed should be placed in the South-West corner of the room and the head should be placed South or East while sleeping. There should be a solid wall behind the bed.
The bed should be made of wood preferably with a single mattress and should be a rectangle. Round beds and floating water beds are not conducive to a happy marriage.
The bed should not be placed under a beam. If the bed cannot be shifted to any other location and a false ceiling can be created then a pair if bamboo flutes tied with a red ribbon with the blowing end facing down can be hung over the beam.
It is important for couples to avoid a box bed. This is very difficult because of the paucity of space but is very beneficial in the long run. Keep the floor under the bed clean and free of any clutter. If a box bed cannot be avoided take care to store only light material like clothes or bed sheets. Definitely no electrical or metal appliances.
All heavy furniture such as wardrobe, bookshelf etc should be placed in the South or West.
The dressing table can be in the North or East wall. It is important to ensure that the mirror does not reflect the bed. Take care to cover the mirror when not in use.
It is best to keep the bedroom free of any television, computer or any other machinery.
Shastras say that a wife should sleep on the left of her husband.
The interiors should be aesthetic and pleasant. Avoid red and black colors in the bedroom. Do not keep thorny or bonsai plants or an aquarium in the bedroom.
Open the doors and windows daily to allow fresh air to enter and cleanse all old and negative energy.