
19 January 2022

Master Numbers - Numerology

 Master Number 11
This energy is fiery and wilful. It helps to purify the heart and the mind, and to cleanse out dross from old experiences. It’s like being in love, with the whole of the universe channeling through at the speed of light. The head is spinning, the heart is racing, the temperature is soaring, and consciousness is rising. We can use Master Number 11 to raise hopes and expectations, and even when there are disappointments we still hold in mind the positive ideal. Co-dependency, fear and intense emotions are brought into balance, enhancing intuition, clarity and wisdom.

Master Number 22

This energy is solid and strategic and carries deep soul sensitivity. It helps us to return to the womb of life and connect with the original blueprint. It impresses upon humanity a need for thoughtful and careful planning. It encourages co-operation, bridge-building, sharing, receptivity and love in order to build a new world together.

Master Number 33
This creative and compassionate energy is totally available to be used for the greater good. Life is service, and pure sacrifice is the way humanity learns to let go of self-gratification and self-importance. Master Number 33 provides us with intense experiences to open the heart. Although it also carries the qualities of resentment, emotional martyrdom, obsession and bitterness, soul allows these energies to melt away in the light of compassion, generosity and acceptance of the divine.

Master Number 44

 This energy is like lightning; it destroys, reconstructs and energizes all at once. It helps humanity to wake up to its responsibilities. It teaches us to accept direction from others while being true to ourselves. It asks us to endure life and carry on with the work. This master energy is often present during times of great hardship or the darkest nights of the soul. We’re re-evaluating, cutting ties with the past and gaining strength from within.

Master Number 55
This energy is like being in the eye of a hurricane. We experience stillness within our soul because we’re connected with the pure light of spirit and we remain largely unaffected by the torrent of change going on around us. Master energy 55 appears when it’s time to rip away old patterns, to bring soul back to life, and to break through if there has been a breakdown (in communication). It brings freedom and its restless energy keeps us on our toes. The risk of obsessive control, mental fragility and addictions teach us to turn inward to cleanse emotional misconceptions and to apply common sense. Courageous leadership moves us forward together.

Master Number 66
This energy feels complete, yet it is open and welcoming. The world is full of many colorful cultures and our common thread is love. Giving love and service is not a duty – it’s an intrinsic part of humanity’s energetic make-up. We may harbor guilt or shame (personally or collectively on behalf of our family or community) or blame others for our misfortunes. We are nature so we are imperfect. This master energy can teach us to reflect, recognize and let go of the past. If we interfere in the process of life, it will take us longer to reach new levels of wholeness and harmony.

 Master Number 77
This energy is stirring and all-pervasive. It can tumble down walls and barriers to create a fast network connection between mind, soul and nature. It teaches us to question everything about life and the universe and then to distribute the information to others. This master energy strips away identity and renders everything back to pure energy to provide continuity of life.

Master Number 88
This energy is fluid yet holds us upright, allowing our inner spiritual spine to act as a transmitter for the light. In quiet inner reflection we can see a mirror of society within ourselves and we cut ties with the past because great lessons have been learned. This master energy is waking us up to our deepest soul potential and aligning us to the higher spiritual will. It tests and mocks us (in case we are too serious). We are often hard on ourselves, stubborn, and can sabotage life, but this teaches us to be flexible.

Master Number 99
This energy is all-encompassing. If we feel overwhelmed it is the energy of soul overshadowing our daily existence. This energy feels vague and at other times it’s so tangible it’s as if we can reach out and touch it. Master Number 99 represents pure soul and wisdom. It contains all the other Master Numbers within it, so it is a very potent guide for humanity. It provides us with tough love, hope, forgiveness and selfless service. This energy is impossible to pin down because it’s always adapting like a chameleon to its environment. It no longer needs to be attached to an identity, no longer focuses on personal desires or needs, so fits in with everything and everyone; soul is within us and all is well.

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