
16 September 2009

Navratra -2


At that time the goddess had gone to take bath in the Ganges. She heard their prayers. From her body another goddess was created. She was black and horrible to look at. So she was called 'Kalika'. She smiled and promised to destroy Shumbha and Nishumbha. When King Shumbha heard about the new goddess, he sent her the demon Sugreev with the invitation to become the queen of King Shumbha.
She replied, "I shall marry the one who defeats me in battle. Tell the king to come here and fight with me."
Hearing this Shumbha got angry and sent his general Dhumralochan to the goddess. But the goddess only saying "hum" burnt him to death.

Then the army of the demons came to attack the goddess, but they were put to flight by her lion. Then Chanda and Munda came with their. armies.
As they approached, a new goddess was created from the forehead of Kalika. Of a terrible appearance was she, and she wore a tiger's skin. In her hands she held a sword, a noose and a 'khatvang' (weapon of Shiva) ('Khatva' Khat or baj = a bedstead, a part of it, is called Khatvang = like the foot of the bedstead). The newly created goddess caught Chanda and Munda and kept them bound before Kalika. Then by Kalika's command she made their heads fly. Because she killed Chanda and Munda she is known as 'Chamurtda'.
Shumbha sent another hero demon. His name was Raktabij, because Brahmadev had given him the boon, that when wounded, every drop of his blood falling on the ground would become a new demon.When Kalika saw the number of demons multiplying from Raktabij's blood, she ordered Chamunda to spread her mouth (she had a huge jaw) and swallow every drop of the demon's blood. So Chamunda swallowed each and every drop of blood until Raktabij lost all his blood and died.

Final Battle, Kalika Kills Shumbha
Finally Shumbha and Nishumbha in person reached the battle field. With their army they surrounded the goddess from all sides. Kalika began to fight bitting on her lion, and Chamunda was helping her. The demon's army was very large, and the two brothers were experienced warriors. So all the gods sent all the power at their command to help the goddess.
Bramhadev sent his power Branihani by a plane drawn by a swan. Maheshvari, the power of the great god Shankar came sitting on the bull. The virginal power of Kartikaya came sitting on the peacock. The Vaishnavi power came sitting on the eagle. Aindri power came sitting on the elephant Airavat. They all descended on the demons. They soon killed Nishumbha. Shumbha was furious. He said, "Are you so proud of your power? Then why are you taking the help of all these gods and goddesses? If you dare come and fight me single handed."
Kalika said smiling, "No problem. All these deities are my own nature. If you wish they can all get again immersed in me." As she said this all the powers disappeared in her body, and Kalika was there alone. Then Shumbha lifted her up and flew into the sky. The goddess fought in the sky. There was a fierce fight. At the end the goddess whirling Shumbha around hurled him down from the sky. Shumbha was at last dead. All the demons ran away to hell.

The Novena

The festival of the nine nights is in honour of the goddess, the Divine Power. On the first night the 'ghatsthapana' takes place. A vessel of water called 'kalash' is put before the image of the goddess, while Vedic verses are recited. During nine days the image of the goddess and the 'kalash' must not be touched. This must be accompanied by fasting, or with only one meal a day. An oil lamp must be kept burning throughout. This lamp is called 'nandadip'. Every day a garland of fresh flowers is tied before the goddess. Near the water vessel some mud is spread and grains are sown. The grains sprout during the nine days. On Dasara day the bunch of tender plants is put on the clothes.
During these nine days the holy book 'Saptashati' is read. This book contains the exploits of the goddess. Every day special food is prepared for the goddess. Brahmins, married women and young girls are invited for dinner. At night 'arti' is celebrated with great solemnity. In some places it was customary to offer the sacrifice of either a male buffalo, or a goat or a pig. Many people go daily to visit the temple of the goddess, usually situated on the outskirts of the town or village. Some temples of the goddess are situated on high mountains.
In Bengal, this period is celebrated as Durga Puja.
In Gujarat, this is the time for the joyous Garba and Dandia dances and people pour out at night to participate in this community festival. Women and girls in all their fineries dance around the garb a pot, clapping their hands in rhythmic movement. The pot is decorated with flowers, betel leaves, and has its mouth covered with a cocount.
In Tamil Nadu, the first three days of the festival are dedicated to Lakshmi, the next three to Durga and the last three to Sarasvati.

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